Siri, you can drive my car
Artificial Intelligence, control & responsibility
The talk and interview of this evening will be in English/
De lezing en het interview zijn deze avond in het Engels
De lezing en het interview zijn deze avond in het Engels
Smart assistants such as Siri or Alexa, facial recognition to unlock your phone, self-driving cars, and weaponized drones. Artificial intelligence (AI) is not the stuff from science fiction anymore: it is becoming part of our daily lives and most common technological solutions. AI systems like these have the capacity to plan and initiate actions with some degree of autonomy. But what happens if humans give a part of the control over the system, to the system itself? What if a self-driving car causes a lethal crash, or a chatbot turns sexist and racist? Who is responsible for (un)wanted outcomes of AI systems?
In this Filosofisch Café, philosopher and AI-researcher Giulio Mecacci will discuss moral responsibility and meaningful human control over AI systems. Mecacci will explore why controlling intelligent artificial systems is hard for us, why giving up responsibility might not be a good idea, and what it might mean to be meaningfully in control of autonomous intelligent systems (an apparently paradoxical endeavour).
The interviewer of this evening will be philosopher Ajuna Soerjadi, who specializes in data ethics and AI ethics. On top of that, Soerjadi is also a musician, and she will perform a few songs of her own making during our musical intermezzo.
Poet, artist, and philosophy student Maaike Rijntjes will recite a poem about the way we consume news and politics through social media. This poem is written especially for this evening and will be in Dutch!
At the end of the evening, the floor will be open for debate and questions from the audience.
This event will be hosted at Café ‘t Haantje. Entrance fee ranges from 3 to 5 euros, depending on what you can pay and can miss. We start at 20:00h, have a break in between, and finish around 21:30. As usual, you are more than welcome to stick around for a beer and a talk at the bar.
See you there!